Tank Girls German Female Tank Crew Armor35 1/35 FIGURE GERMANY

Tank Girls German Female Tank Crew Armor35 1/35

I finished painting the resin figure of a German female soldier. Well, it's like an erotic sci-fi fantasy figure. A female soldier's face is so small that it is very difficult to paint it compared to a male German tank soldier painted before. Considering the area covered by the hair, the eyes, nose, and mouth seem to be condensed in an area about half the size of a male German tank soldier of Tamiya.
Tank Girls Russian Female Tank Crew Armor35 1/35 FIGURE RUSSIA

Tank Girls Russian Female Tank Crew Armor35 1/35

It is a resin figure of a Russian female tank crew. When I see the description of a fantasy model, it doesn't really exist, but it's like a fantasy of a man. It is even more difficult to paint the face because it is smaller than men.