Hello. He is Caesar of the Netherland dwarf. He will be nine years old in the spring of 2018. It was 84 years old when it converted to humans. It is the year that he can return to the moon anytime, but I want him to live a long life if possible.
I used a cheap dog pet sheet for a while. This time, I bought Uni Charm’s Deosheet, a deodorant fragrance. Unlike cheap pet sheets, it is very comfortable, and the scent is not strong. It was better to have a thicker sheet with no fragrance; it was only this in a nearby shop. If it is a small rabbit like a Netherland dwarf, it may be enough to exchange once a day.
Because I did not think it was a good idea to show the rabbit toilet’s dirty image suddenly, I thought it to be an introduction to the present situation of Caesar.
Although I changed the cardboard of the pasture box in the meantime, He began to bite it immediately. I think that it is not suitable for the body.
He sleeps. Sometimes exercises. It is a life pattern similar to the owner.
Rabbit urine contains a lot of calcium, so that urine stones will stick to the toilet. If you leave it for a year, the urine stones will be a layer, which isn’t good for the smell and hygiene.
Using this citric acid melts and cracks urinary stones, which is quite effective for cleaning. After immersing the dirty portion in a thick aqueous citric acid for a while, scraping it off with a flat-blade screwdriver, etc., we need power in some places, but it is approaching the beauty just after purchase.
The rust and deterioration peeled off the white vinyl coating, but the urinary stone fell cleanly. I also dropped rust.
When a person is nearby, Caesar does not make a 100% of relaxed appearance very much. How does he spend it alone? When I’ll approach by a stealthy step…
It’s precaution-less perfectly. He is sleeping well. The section right under the water supply bottle is a favorite place.
After having approached, not to notice, make him surprise suddenly, the rabbit panics and runs around narrow cages and circles while hitting various parts. The rabbit’s bone will fracture with a little shock. After that, often living is impaired, and he does not eat and often dies immediately. So it’s better to stop surprising the rabbit casually. I decided not to make him surprised and left the room silently. I decided not to make him surprised to approach noisily from a distant place. The owner who pays regard to a pet abnormally is funny…
So it seems that you are cleaning the toilet more frequently than me. It was a toilet stain removal report using citric acid.