SU-85 Soviet Tank Destroyer Tamiya 1/35

SU-85 Soviet Tank Destroyer Tamiya 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 BOX PACKAGEI escaped from the reality of the Tunguska assembly. It is an old kit from TAMIYA SU-85. This kit was already out of product many years ago, only released with the box with many figures and weathering tools. I started to build SU-85 for a change.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGA detailed explanation of the German-Soviet war and the activities of the SU-85. With the power of this commentary, I started to assemble it very naturally.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGThe metal stick was attached. The holes in the chassis and the mold of the batteries were the remnants of the motorized age.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGThe Assembly of the upper body is almost completed. There is a tiny gap on the top; I think it’s no problem after fixing it with putty.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGTamiya’s belt caterpillar tracks bend when it’s around the wheel. It’s the most regrettable point.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGI brought a belt-type caterpillar from my AFV Club stock. It’s no help to complain about the ancient kit. I was surprised that it’s well-made. The fitting to the wheel curve looks perfect. When selling this belt separately, keeping this quality and moderate price, I thought it was more valuable than the separate track links.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGThe tow rope was changed to metal. Lower the vehicle height and jutting the gun barrel look cool.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGThe injection part’s color is very dark. When the color is so dark, the mold is difficult to recognize.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGThe gaps had formed around the rear fender, corrected with putty. The wire netting cover on an engine compartment isn’t an etched part, but the mold is steady. It can be expressed in the painting process.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGThe belt caterpillar of the AFV Club may be unexpectedly not so bad. This quality belt caterpillar may be accepted by the person who avoids using it by instinct. The best is that Tamiya released that kind of support item for the old kit.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKINGI ensured that the track wouldn’t rise as much as possible around the front and rear and that the middle wheels looked natural.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 MAKING RUSSIAN TANK CREWThere is a tank crew fitting to the hatch wearing his overalls.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 PAINTING RUSSIAN TANK CREWSometimes it’s a warm day recently. This figure was painted with water-based paint this time. It’s easy to go up the motivation which opens the window and does airbrush painting. But I have an allergy to cedar pollen and don’t want to open my window wide so much. I’m a hay fever veteran from about 3rd grade of elementary school, around 35 years, so I feel gloomy. I want to move to a country where cedar doesn’t grow…
The cedar was planted in quantities by a postwar forestation policy in Japan, so I think more cedar grows than in any other country.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 PAINTING RUSSIAN TANK CREWThe highlight and shade were painted with oil paint. The hair and face were also drawn in detail. I wonder if it changed to be more realistic…

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 PAINTINGThe vehicle is undercoated with black paint.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 PAINTINGI painted in TAMIYA Acrylic paint, peeled off acrylic, and randomly took out the first black color. I’m planning the weathering and chipping heavier than usual.

SU-85 Soviet Tank Destroyer Tamiya 1/35SU-85 was developed to cope with the German heavy tank Tiger I. It participated in the actual fighting since September 1943.
Recently, I’ve been watching an ancient US TV drama, “ALIAS.” The script is good, so it’s old work but fascinating. Some songs in the middle of the scenes are old-fashioned, like Ally McBeal. But in the first story, the character and setting are flabbergasted, I thought it was stupid drama, but after the first, it changed to be fascinating.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKAt the time, the T-34s were equipped with 76.2mm Tank guns. They had to approach quite a close distance to defeat the Tiger. Because this 51.6-caliber 85mm antitank gun had a 110mm steel plate penetration at 1,000m range, it theoretically penetrates the front armor 100mm of the Tiger.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKSu-85 was produced approximately 2000 in total. It’s used until the end of the war. After the war, they were supplied to the Warsaw Treaty Organization army and used until the 1960s.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKI appealed to the caterpillar this time. It was a happy surprise for me that the belt-type caterpillar has an atmosphere of each track angled separately.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKBecause the base is the body of the T-34, most of the backside is the same.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKThe wire was replaced with metal. It is recommended to improve precision. It was on the instructions that warming plastic parts over a fire to make them soft and make them fit the body; such a skillful thing is impossible for me.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKThere are no places where a big decal is stuck on. A red star was diverted from other kits.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKI thought an antenna was too thick in the making report; I changed it to a thinner one.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKIt’s a simple shape tank, and the body color is only dark green, an appearance that becomes rich when drawing in light and shade and weathering.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKThis weathering is washed with the oil painting and pastel with thinner water-based paint and performed a dry brushing. Though I may go too far, there are some points of excellent expression in the condition of color mixed, which is interesting.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKI carved the vertical line on the surface of the transparent resin part, which I made. Suddenly I saw that look real. The pitch was more homogeneous. When it’s seen, it looks natural, maybe. It was better to make the space of the vertical line equal.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKFrom the front, another shot.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORKThe German infantry’s viewpoint is like this photo.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORK RUSSIAN TANK CREWPainting the figure is difficult, especially face painting. The size of the head is a photo of diameter about three times. I think it depends on the monitor; there is a difference.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORK RUSSIAN TANK CREWThe eyes are blue, like a white man’s.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORK RUSSIAN TANK CREWOne question, how many clothes for one soldier have? I don’t think this guy had only one overall. Maybe when the attacking stage, he changed his clothes to the khaki uniform.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORK RUSSIAN TANK CREWHow was the back of the hatch? When it was white, it was conspicuous on the battlefield, so I painted it with body color.

SOVIET TANK DESTROYER SU-85 1/35 FINISHED WORK RUSSIAN TANK CREWThe price of the kit has become very high recently. I think it is fun to build an old kit lightly. A caterpillar is brought from one of the AFV Club kits this time. The AFV Club kit required other caterpillar parts, for instance, Modelcasten or AFV Club separated parts. There are lots of them in hand, so all I need to do is motivate.