Our cat age five months is now weighs 2.4 kg. When I received him, he was about 1 kg, so I was surprised that it grew quickly in two months. I think that the appropriate weight will change depending on the physique. I will go to a veterinary hospital soon so I will ask about it. Basically, this kitten seems to like being on the side of the owner.
The rough skin on the nose and ears of the kitten cannot be cured. It has been cured and worsened again. The cat mold on the front and back legs has been cured, though.
Before I asked the veterinarian, I was told that some of the kittens had undeveloped testicles, let’s make a castration operation later a little more. The testicles gradually became splendid.
I think it’s going to be a castration operation, so I took a memorial photo before that.
It is a video in Vietnam or somewhere, an uncle of the amateur doesn’t anesthetize a cat and pulls out the testis with a knife, so that’s abusive. A lip of a wound was rubbed with salt and that’s all. It was a shock to me with the content of violence. I just pressed my crotch… I have heard that there are countries where castration surgery without anesthesia is illegal overseas.
Munchkin Chai is relaxing without notice our plans yet.
When he was a smaller kitten, I was careful about the tail because it was likely to break when it was caught in the door. Of course, I am still careful now. It’s a bother because of the swaying tail, smashing my face from time to time.
Basically, these days Munchkin Cha sleeps for about 18 hours a day. The rest is probably be patrolling the room, grooming, playing alone, or playing with us. This Munchkin has slightly longer hair, he does not have long hair. It is Munchkin just before castration, who lives quietly without knowing anything.