Tenzan (Jill) Type12 Nakajima B6N2 Carrier Attack Bomber Hasegawa 1/48 AIRCRAFT JAPAN

Tenzan (Jill) Type12 Nakajima B6N2 Carrier Attack Bomber Hasegawa 1/48

I made Hasegawa Tenzan. The marking is 256th Attack Squadron 752nd Naval Flying Group. In the Sino-Japanese War, a unit that had been primarily responsible for the ground attack as the First Flying Group was originally renamed the 752nd Naval Flying Group.
Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad “Girls’ Last Tour” Dragon 1/35 AFV GERMANY

Sd.Kfz.2 Kettenkrad “Girls’ Last Tour” Dragon 1/35

It is Dragon Kettenkrad. I made it like Kettenkrad, which appears in "Girls' Last Tour". According to the setting, the total length of the vehicle is slightly longer, but I ignored it. All I have to do is add a rack on the left side of the rear of the vehicle and place drums, luggage, and bottles. The scratch build of the figure was very hard, and even if I started it casually, it was reckless.
Pet Rabbit Netherlands Dwarf Tips, Clean Toilet with Citric Acid, Stubborn Dirt Remover RABBIT

Pet Rabbit Netherlands Dwarf Tips, Clean Toilet with Citric Acid, Stubborn Dirt Remover

Rabbit urine contains a lot of calcium, so urinary stones stick to the toilet. If you leave it for a year, the stones will form layers and stick to it, so it is not good in terms of smell and hygiene. If you use citric acid, urinary stones will melt or break and it is very effective for cleaning.
British Infantry Somme Battle 1916 WWI Master Box 1/35 FIGURE UK

British Infantry Somme Battle 1916 WWI Master Box 1/35

They are British infantry soldiers from the First World War that have been released from MasterBox. I would like to appreciate the company's attitude to release such figures without hesitation. I don't know much about military uniforms in this period, but I enjoyed making it.
German Sd.Kfz.254 Tracked Armored Scout Car Hobby Boss 1/35 AFV GERMANY

German Sd.Kfz.254 Tracked Armored Scout Car Hobby Boss 1/35

Hobby Boss's German wheeled and track combined armored vehicle, Sd. Kfz. 254. It has a unique form that you won't forget once you see it, so I think there are many people who are interested in it even if they are not fans of the German army AFV. It is a German armored car developed and manufactured by Saurer in Austria.
Wildcat Ghost Fighter FM-2 Sweet 1/144 AIRCRAFT USA

Wildcat Ghost Fighter FM-2 Sweet 1/144

Sweet wild cat. It's just a Wild Cat, but after the war, it was restored by enthusiasts and flown in an air show. The marking is FM-2, Confederate Air Force, covered F4F-3, VF-41, CV-4 USS Ranger, Spring 1941. The other is the 50th VJ Day Memorial Flight over Pearl Harbor take off from CVN-70 USS Carl Vinson, September 1995.
Suchoj Su-17/22M4 Fitter Fighter-Bomber Smer 1/48 AIRCRAFT RUSSIA

Suchoj Su-17/22M4 Fitter Fighter-Bomber Smer 1/48

This is Smer's Su-17 fitter. The marking of this Su-17, which was deployed in the Far East in 1988, the Soviet Air Force No. 302 Fighting Bomber Regiment. The longest item in the middle is the KKR-1T Soviet reconnaissance pod, it has a normal camera and panoramic camera, night photography camera. On the other side of the silver missile pod is the ECM pod, SPS-141 Electronic Countermeasure system, Jammer.
Object 279 Soviet Prototype Heavy Tank Amusing Hobby 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

Object 279 Soviet Prototype Heavy Tank Amusing Hobby 1/35

This is Amusing Hobby Object 279. If you like to wear a combination track, don't hesitate to do this! The vehicle with a vicious form that can withstand a nuclear war is popular among Russian tank fans. It is rumored that the Amusing Hobby is the hardest to assemble among the 3 competitive production companies, but it was completed successfully.
Imperial Japanese Army Tank Crew Set #2 Finemolds 1/35 FIGURE JAPAN

Imperial Japanese Army Tank Crew Set #2 Finemolds 1/35

It's an Imperial Army tank crew. Now that I've started this tank soldier, I want to build some Imperial Japanese tanks soon. I have two Finemolds kits; this time, I chose set #2.
Type 4 Chi-To Imperial Japanese Army Medium Tank Finemolds 1/35 AFV JAPAN

Type 4 Chi-To Imperial Japanese Army Medium Tank Finemolds 1/35

I built a Finemolds type 4 medium tank Chi-To. The track is a belt type, but if you carefully wind it, it will look quite realistic. I was weathering with the idea that it was a tank used for homeland defense in Japan, however before I knew it, the tone was the same as usual.
British Armored Car Crew Set Miniart 1/35 FIGURE UK

British Armored Car Crew Set Miniart 1/35

It's a Miniart British armored vehicle crew. The scout car figure set, of course, is it matches scout cars? I tried to put it on a Staghound, it seems to go well. Is not all the figures wearing the right clothes as some are North African uniform?
T17E1 Staghound A/C Mk.I Late Production Bronco 1/35 AFV UK

T17E1 Staghound A/C Mk.I Late Production Bronco 1/35

This is a Staghound from Bronco. The marking is the 2nd Household Cavalry VIII Corp, N. W. Europe 1944-45. It is quite fine with many parts. It really is a large-sized vehicle. I thought it was smaller because it was round-shaped.
WWII Imperial Japanese Navy Fighter Pilot Tamiya 1/16 FIGURE JAPAN

WWII Imperial Japanese Navy Fighter Pilot Tamiya 1/16

It's Tamiya's Zero fighter pilot figure. The 1/16 scale is much larger than the 1/35 that I usually make. standing in flight suits and life jackets. Of course, the mold of the face was very good, and the military sword was unexpectedly cool.
Us Infantry Jungle Patrol Vietnam War Master Box 1/35 FIGURE USA

Us Infantry Jungle Patrol Vietnam War Master Box 1/35

Master Box US Infantry, a jungle patrol figure set in the Vietnam War. Usually, there are many WWII infantry, so it's interesting to make military outfits and equipment for different times for the first time. I pulled their eyeliner too hard.
Messerschmitt Bf109E Bulgarian Air Force Hasegawa 1/48 AIRCRAFT OTHERS

Messerschmitt Bf109E Bulgarian Air Force Hasegawa 1/48

I made a Hasegawa kit of the Bulgarian Air Force plane Messerschmidt Bf109E. This is an Aeromaster decal. Bulgaria joined the Axis in March 1941. At that time, Germany provided 10 Bf109E4.