Hobby boss Antonov AN-2 military aircraft type kit. It is a biplane developed in 1947 by the former Soviet Union. It is classified as a small transport aircraft. I wanted to make Hasegawa’s zero-type water observation aircraft and Tamiya’s swordfish someday, so I picked up this biplane as my practice. It is a heavy-volume kit that cannot be completed with a light feeling. Japanese has written in the package this Antonov biplane. Maybe the Japanese market is also a target. I wonder if it is too minor to sell in Japan.
First of all, the number of parts is enormous. The cockpit is a double seat, and two people sit in parallel. I’m still assembling it, but there are still plenty of parts.
Is it a transport plane? There are two rows of simple chairs.
The inside is also slightly molded.
The virus infected 20 people again in Tokyo. When human activities become active, the number of infected people increases. As for the cat vaccination, I should go in April, but I haven’t been to the veterinarian yet because I have to refrain from going out, but I think I should go tomorrow. On the way home, I’ll have some cake at the cafe on the open terrace.
I don’t feel like painting yet, so I’m working on many large parts and assembling them.
It may not be cloth hanging like the old biplane, but the mold of the main wing is fine. It’s like a galvanized sheet iron roof with bending to increase strength.
I’m assembling various parts of the biplane.
There is a huge riot in the United States. I think a demonstration march would be fine. Looting stores and setting fire to cars is excessive. The video of holding a big LCD TV in both hands is always playing. This time, the number of people whose lives are unstable due to the virus is increasing, so it’s dangerous. Maybe some country is instigating it.
The cockpit has partial decals, so just putting them on makes it more precise.
The hobby boss’s manual doesn’t have detailed instructions for painting. I painted the fire extinguisher red. Is it only Japan that is red? Come to think of it. Our housing complex has many kinds of fire extinguishers, such as white and green. I don’t know if it depends on the year or the uses.
Even if I paint inside, I can hardly see through the round window. However, I kept the cockpit and passenger doors open. You can see the inside of this airplane because the canopy is big. The inside of the plane is also painted.
The number of people infected with the virus in Tokyo is increasing again. Even if the “Tokyo alert” is activated, only the Rainbow Bridge is lit in red. I am tired of self-control, but I have hay fever, and my respiratory system is weak, so I fear the virus. I feel sorry for the students who can’t study after the outbreak of infection caused by snacks, clubs, and lounges.
The cockpit fitted smoothly to the plane. As it is a general-purpose airplane, its body is quite thick.
I wanted more detail on the seat, so I added a seat belt. I didn’t have enough leftover parts before, so I copied it with silicone clay, which didn’t work well. I can’t get rid of the burr well. When I checked the actual airplane, it might only have a belt to fix the hip, but I added a belt to tighten it from the shoulders.
I painted the engine. I was surprised that Antonov AN -2 could fly such a big airplane with such a small engine.
After I roughly put them together, it becomes quite large. Especially the width. After this, I must still attach delicate parts to clean the adhesive marks.
A bowgun murder incident in Japan where 100% of gun control is applied. It’s professional that the criminal hit every target’s head. But where can I buy a bowgun? It’s dangerous. I don’t need it until Walker starts walking outside.
Antonov AN-2 has a large canopy and many windows. Masking also takes time. In addition, it is divided into right and left sides, so it is better to mask part of it after attaching it to the body.
There are some round windows in the passenger compartment, maybe because it is for passenger aircraft. I used a masking sol because tape can’t mask well.
The wingtip lights and other delicate, clear parts are all glued to the fuselage and masked with sols before painting. I think it’s easier to recover masking and correcting the paint than after all the clear parts attached to the fine-painted surface.
It is just before the whole painting. There are a lot of parts in the upper and lower of the fuselage, and they are pretty big, so it’s hard to keep them displayed. Now all I have to do is to attach the propeller and wheels.
Since the color of the Antonov AN-2 is only dark green and light blue, I tried to color it in black and white in advance.
I first painted the underside of the fuselage with light blue and then used masking tape. I thought using a large amount of masking tape was a waste, but I used it without worrying.
A body was blown in dark green. This color is sometimes used in Russian tanks. When I opened the bottle lid, it was almost gone, so I hurriedly bought another bottle.
The number of decals is small; it is almost complete.
I was thinking simply that it was completed, but the left wheel was broken, probably due to the effect of the washing of the aircraft. I’m reattaching the metal wire.
There is no description in the Hobby Boss assembly manual, but the biplane tension seems to be there. Since there was nothing to be used as a base, I had no choice but to pick up some of the leftover ring-shaped parts from the ship model photo-etched parts and reuse them. A ring is probably part of a lifebuoy. To be honest, it is troublesome to work on the tension wire.
Antonov AN -2 has been completed. Even though it was developed in 1947, a biplane design with a single reciprocating engine seems old-fashioned. However, the maintenance of the aircraft is simple, and it can take off and land even on an unmaintained runway.
This time it was made as a Soviet aircraft. There was a war cartoon by Mr. Motofumi Kobayashi titled “Second Korean War” I was impressed by a scene in which North Korean commandos were flying an airplane that looked like Antonov AN-2 and attacked the airport in South Korea. I love Motofumi’s comics and have more than 20 books. Apart from the WWII stuff, I love “Hydt” I’ve probably read it a dozen times or more.
Until I got the trumpeter kit, I didn’t know many manufacturers had released Antonov AN -2, including the 1/72 scale. The Antonov AN -2 is used for various purposes, including transport, pesticide spraying, firefighting, and passenger transport. There are colorful airplanes, so it’s fun to see them.
The decal might have caused a little silvering. I tried to use a softer mark later, but it’s not so good.
Some of them are used and can be purchased for $30,000. I can buy it. But it’s impossible because I need to pay for storage and maintenance and don’t have a pilot’s license.
Many large parts, so I thought it would be completed during my work. It’s similar to the one that made the Trumpeter Savoia Marchetti before. By the way, that was a torpedo using a general-purpose civilian aircraft. Antonov’s cockpit is different from that of a fighter plane.
According to the painting instructions, the blade edge of the propeller was not specified, but I painted it yellow according to my personal preference. This is less dangerous.
The tension wires are black fishing lines. I tried to keep the tension as tight as possible.
This Antonov AN-2 1/48 scale is too big to display in my room. If you just want to enjoy the atmosphere, 1/72 would be enough. The 1/72 kit price is less expensive, maybe.
I don’t know if it’s fantastic. It’s a rather tasteful aircraft. The round shape from the center to the back of the rear of the fuselage is charming. I want to make a shiny jet fighter next time.
Hi there!
Nice AN-2, hope HB will reissue it one day.
Round windows were on all airframes.
Those seats inside are pointing to the parachute training flight.
The same time, that “thing” underneath the aircraft is a crop dusting device. That would not be used on Air Force (red stars) aircraft. Looks like HB gives some options without clearing what is for what.
Hello. Thank you very much for the information. I see agricultural pesticide spraying equipment is unnecessary in the military. There is not much explanation about the actual aircraft or AFV of every Hobby Boss kits. Is this kit out-of-product? Hobby Easy in Hong Kong is still in stock. See you!!