Object 279 Soviet Prototype Heavy Tank Amusing Hobby 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

Object 279 Soviet Prototype Heavy Tank Amusing Hobby 1/35

This is Amusing Hobby Object 279. If you like to wear a combination track, don't hesitate to do this! The vehicle with a vicious form that can withstand a nuclear war is popular among Russian tank fans. It is rumored that the Amusing Hobby is the hardest to assemble among the 3 competitive production companies, but it was completed successfully.
Type 4 Chi-To Imperial Japanese Army Medium Tank Finemolds 1/35 AFV JAPAN

Type 4 Chi-To Imperial Japanese Army Medium Tank Finemolds 1/35

I built a Finemolds type 4 medium tank Chi-To. The track is a belt type, but if you carefully wind it, it will look quite realistic. I was weathering with the idea that it was a tank used for homeland defense in Japan, however before I knew it, the tone was the same as usual.
T17E1 Staghound A/C Mk.I Late Production Bronco 1/35 AFV UK

T17E1 Staghound A/C Mk.I Late Production Bronco 1/35

This is a Staghound from Bronco. The marking is the 2nd Household Cavalry VIII Corp, N. W. Europe 1944-45. It is quite fine with many parts. It really is a large-sized vehicle. I thought it was smaller because it was round-shaped.
3.7cm FLAK37 Sd.Kfz7/2 Armored Cab Type German 8-ton Half-Track Tamiya 1/35 AFV GERMANY

3.7cm FLAK37 Sd.Kfz7/2 Armored Cab Type German 8-ton Half-Track Tamiya 1/35

This is a Tamiya kit of FLAK37 German 8-ton Half-Track. I tried to use a similar kit of Tamiya before and failed to install a Modelkasten track set, so this time it is revenge. I could choose the marking two types, Gross-Deutschland Armored Grenadier Division, and Herman Gering 2nd Battalion. I chose Gross-Deutschland.
T-80U Russian Main Battle Tank Xact 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

T-80U Russian Main Battle Tank Xact 1/35

It's a Xact T-80U kit. I was surprised about what to do when I opened the kit box and found a twisted belt track, but otherwise, it was a great kit. I wonder if this manufacturer is no longer active. Business continuity is difficult. I tried T-80, which is the guard of the Soviet Army.
Patton M48A3 Mod.B U.S. Army Main Battle Tank Dragon 1/35 AFV USA

Patton M48A3 Mod.B U.S. Army Main Battle Tank Dragon 1/35

It is a Dragon Patton M48A3 tank. I made a shark mouse mark with a Vietnam War vehicle. I did weathering with the image of Vietnamese soil. I think there is no problem with the texture of the Dragon Styrene Caterpillar.
Sturer Emil German 12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 Trumpeter 1/35 AFV GERMANY

Sturer Emil German 12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 Trumpeter 1/35

I built the Trumpeter Sturler Emile and used hobby Boss's connecting track. The marking is the 3rd Armored Division's Independent 521 Tank Destroyer Battalion 3rd Squadron. It is cool as it stands out that simple white marking on the German gray.
Merkava Mk. IIID Israeli Main Battle Tank Hobby Boss 1/35 AFV ISRAEL

Merkava Mk. IIID Israeli Main Battle Tank Hobby Boss 1/35

Hobby boss Merkava Mk.3D tank. It is a type that improves the whole surrounding defense in urban battle by adopting a modular type of new armor on the turret side. I colored Sinai gray by myself, and now there are exclusive colors from various manufacturers.
AAVP-7A1 USMC Assault Amphibious Vehicle Hobby Boss 1/35 AFV USA

AAVP-7A1 USMC Assault Amphibious Vehicle Hobby Boss 1/35

Hobby boss AAVP-7A1, Seadragon. To put it more simply, it's a U.S. Marine amphibious assault vehicle. I had a hard time assembling the footwear, but overall it was big and powerful, and I enjoyed it.
SU-122 Russian Tank Destroyer Tamiya 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

SU-122 Russian Tank Destroyer Tamiya 1/35

This is Tamiya SU-122 Russian Tank Destroyer. As expected, the attached belt-type track wear doesn't have much texture, so I used the connecting type track of AFV Club T-34. I recommend it because it is not so expensive. I think SU-122 has a thick gun barrel and is very strong, but since it is a howitzer, SU-85 and SU-100 seem to be stronger in terms of the ability to shoot an opponent vehicle.
Skoda Pz. Kpfw. 35 (T) German Light Tank CMK 1/35 AFV GERMANY

Skoda Pz. Kpfw. 35 (T) German Light Tank CMK 1/35

It is a Skoda 35(t) light tank made by CMK. It is quite an old kit, but I managed to complete it. It is a tank developed in Czechoslovakia. This time marking of the 11th tank regiment of the 1st light armored division used by the German Army after Czechoslovakia be annexed.
M4A1 Sherman 75Mm Early Version Dragon 1/35 AFV USA

M4A1 Sherman 75Mm Early Version Dragon 1/35

Dragon's M4A1 Sherman. Judging from the package, it seems to be an old kit. It is quite rare for a U.S. tank to have a combination track included in its kit. The marking of this tank is the 1st co., 2nd battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division in Sicily, July 1943.
U.S. Army Cargo Truck 2.5 ton 6 X 6 Italeri 1/35 AFV USA

U.S. Army Cargo Truck 2.5 ton 6 X 6 Italeri 1/35

I built Italeri 2.5 ton cargo truck. I wanted to add more chipping because it is a single-color paint. I used the hairspray technique for the first time in a while. Maybe I did too much weathering.
ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka Czechoslovakian Anti-Aircraft Gun Dragon 1/35 AFV OTHERS

ZSU-23-4V1 Shilka Czechoslovakian Anti-Aircraft Gun Dragon 1/35

It's a Dragon Silka self-propelled antiaircraft gun. It was old and I was prepared to be difficult to assemble, but it was completed without any trouble. The decal has deteriorated, but I don't care much about the AFV plastic models.
M2A2 ODS Bradley U.S. Army Infantry Fighting Vehicle Tamiya 1/35 AFV USA

M2A2 ODS Bradley U.S. Army Infantry Fighting Vehicle Tamiya 1/35

It's Tamiya's M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. I didn't want to wear a belt type of track, but this vehicle has a lot of hidden parts, so I think I don't have to be so concerned about it.