It has passed a little since Shilka was released from Hong Model and Meng Model. The Dragon Models Shilka seemed to be at the bottom of my stock and waiting for the nipper. It may not be easy to build because it is too old kit now, but I will try to build it.
I am making a chassis. Easier to assemble than the previously built panda hobby Tunguska. Parts matching is not bad.
Speaking of the old Dragon Models Kit, many kits included this kind of caterpillar. Creos Lang, which I made a while ago, was also a similar caterpillar, so maybe the original is Dragon Models.
The Caterpillar assembly is annoying to work on, but I like the type of each piece tracks. Recent kits have become excellent belt caterpillars, so I don’t stop choosing the belt type.
The natural hanging down condition by the weight of the caterpillar. As this car has no side armor and tracks are visible, I want to make it as good a caterpillar as possible.
The upper part of the body is a good feeling without strange burrs. It may be a shot manufactured while the mold is new. I purchased it long ago. When I bought it, I felt I had made it that day…
The most crucial part of Shilka is four pairs of anti-air guns. Assembly is easy.
The turret is square and about the size of the old Walkman produced by SONY. Some handcrafted works scrape off the bulge and fill it up.
The rear radar is painted and then glued.
There was a gap in some places, so I buried it with Tamiya light-curing putty.
The decline in motivation occurred at the time of the moving house. Shilka had been left untouched by halfway. In addition, I was losing motivation by looking at a decal yellowish thoroughly.
A few days ago, I decided to bleach the decal with a bleaching agent and experimented with it seemed to manage somehow, so the motivation for painting is now revived. When mixing undiluted and water about half and half, leaving it for about 3 minutes, it got a little white like this. Since the decal is already dry and crisp, extreme caution is required for handling. There’s a possibility of melting by a too-long rinse in the liquid solution.
The primary color of the Czechoslovakian army Shilka was Mr. color No.304, olive drab FS34087 70%, and No.22 dark earth was 30%. I thought it was a bit different after mixing them. That’s why Russian green and dark green, Green FS34092, were mixed appropriating to make this color. I’m blowing a bright gradation. I don’t know the correct answer; bright color is easy to do washing later, so I suppose this is just fine.
It is a self-propelled vehicle of anti-aircraft machine-gun equipped deployed in the Soviet Union in 1964. It can knock down a jet fighter that radar and computer, and shooting devices work together—equipped with a 4 x 23 mm anti-aircraft cannon. About 7000 in total were produced.
In the Fourth Middle East War (Yom Kippur War), the Arab side deployed and seriously damaged the Israeli fighter plane. It is a severe threat to fighter planes flying at low altitudes. Because it is linked to the radar, possible to react to the speed of jet fighters, and it was handy for attack helicopters.
Shilka is a river name a tributary of the Amur River in Russia.
The 4 x machine guns glitter, and it looks strong, but maybe it overdoes too much.
Czechoslovakian Army’s nationality marks a blue, white, and red circle; I think the official marking blue is on the front side, and white is on the upper side. The Dragon Model’s old kit has arranged the decals in the same color order left and right, whether Dragon Models was not careful about it. But I used it as it was. I don’t know in detail and only my presumption.
There is sunlight in the room, and it is reflected brightly. The primary color was about halfway between olive drab and Russian green. It turned to a khaki color while doing weathering.
The radar was painted in a slightly bluish-light gray and lightly dry brushed. When watching a video image, it turns around very fast. This time, I thought about the strength and bonded it perfectly.
Even if I do not bleach it, the yellowish decal is not much different after heavy washing. I think that the most troublesome is the yellowish part of the clear areas of the decal margin; the marking of the Czechoslovakian army had a little margin, so there was no problem.
There are many kits that I would like to complete before a new product comes out. Well, I can build something I want at any time.
Although the painting of barrels was slightly rough, I think it’s a harmonious vehicle color.
Very nice work!
Although the Dragon kit is old, they still can be built up nicely. I myself and building the Dragon MBT-70 kit.
Could i ask if you have an old website by the name of
Thanks for the comment! I closed my old website “saimitsutogenkyo” in Jan-2017 and all the contents were moved to this site. The main reason for the moving was because it can not be viewed the previous site from multiple mobile viewers.
Good Morning and than you for your reply! I was looking for your old website and was worried I could not find it, I’m glad to see it’s moved here. Looking forward to your new works!