USSR PT-76B Amphibious Light Tank Trumpeter 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

USSR PT-76B Amphibious Light Tank Trumpeter 1/35

This time, I am going to make the PT-76 amphibious vehicle of the Soviet Army. It's a Trumpeter kit from pretty old year...
US Navy General Purpose Helicopter HSS-1N Monochrome Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT USA

US Navy General Purpose Helicopter HSS-1N Monochrome Trumpeter 1/48

I was inspired to make a plastic model of a helicopter for the first time in a long time, so I picked up a Monochrome US military helicopter that I bought a long time ago.
German Heuschrecke IVb Grasshopper 10.5cm Waffentrager Trumpeter 1/35 AFV GERMANY

German Heuschrecke IVb Grasshopper 10.5cm Waffentrager Trumpeter 1/35

This time I try to build a German self-propelled howitzer, the Heuschrecke. The biggest concept of this vehicle is that it can be removed with the turret and fired as a battery on the ground. Even though it was a prototype vehicle, it probably doesn't need a detachable function. But AFV with these features are rare and interesting.
Soviet Army T-62 Main Battle Tank Mod.1962 Trumpeter 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

Soviet Army T-62 Main Battle Tank Mod.1962 Trumpeter 1/35

This tank is the world's first tank equipped with a smoothbore gun. It resembles the T-55 but features a 115mm smoothbore gun turret. Compared to previous tanks, the firepower was improved, but due to the poor performance of the sighting device, the accuracy rate was extremely low at more than 1,500m.
Soviet Air Force MiG-21F-13 Fishbed Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT RUSSIA

Soviet Air Force MiG-21F-13 Fishbed Trumpeter 1/48

The MiG -21 F is completed. It looks more linear and sleeker than the Mi -21 I've made several times. I wonder if the first model is a little smaller. A MiG-21 shot down a B-52 during the Vietnam War, an F-14 during the Iran-Iraq War, and an Indian Air Force MiG-21 shot down an F-16 during the Kashmir conflict.
German Sd. Kfz. 7 8t Half-Track Early Type Trumpeter 1/35 AFV GERMANY

German Sd. Kfz. 7 8t Half-Track Early Type Trumpeter 1/35

It's quite an old kit, but I'm considering building a German army 8t half-track. Is it out of product yet? However, I have an impression that many Dragon kits are hard to get anymore, and the price is skyrocketing, but many of the Trumpeter kits are still in the market even though they are relatively old. It's a logistic support vehicle without a cannon, but it looks fantastic when completed.
Grumman F9F-2P Panther Reconnaissance Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT USA

Grumman F9F-2P Panther Reconnaissance Trumpeter 1/48

I built the F9F Panther. At first, I had the impression that the airplane was shaped like a flying squirrel and it was more ugly than I thought. The panel line and rivet marks were emphasized a little by washing, etc., and I felt it was a surprisingly beautiful streamlined airplane.
F-100D Super Sabre Thunderbirds Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT USA

F-100D Super Sabre Thunderbirds Trumpeter 1/48

This time, I made a Trumpeter kit with a special decal for the Thunderbirds, a Super Sabre acrobatic team. The markings were for Captain Merrill A. McPeak at the 1967 Air Show. He has made hundreds of sorties in the Vietnam War. He was eventually named Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force.
T-72B Mod. 1990 Russian Main Battle Tank Trumpeter 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

T-72B Mod. 1990 Russian Main Battle Tank Trumpeter 1/35

This is a Trumpeter T-72B Mod. 1990. There are connected track belts from the beginning, and it is easy to assemble with appropriate etched parts. As I thought, it is a modern tank, so the number of parts is quite large. It's hard to reach the painting.
Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79-II Sparviero Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT OTHERS

Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79-II Sparviero Trumpeter 1/48

This is a Trumpeter kit. Savoia-Marchetti torpedo bomber. It's a rare three-engine airplane. This camouflage paint was very hard. If I don't use a wide range of fine blowing, it won't work well. The marking is S.M.79-II Sparviero, 283 Squadriglia, 130 Gruppo Autonoma, A.S. Mediterranean 1942.
Sturer Emil German 12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 Trumpeter 1/35 AFV GERMANY

Sturer Emil German 12.8cm Selbstfahrlafette L/61 Trumpeter 1/35

I built the Trumpeter Sturler Emile and used hobby Boss's connecting track. The marking is the 3rd Armored Division's Independent 521 Tank Destroyer Battalion 3rd Squadron. It is cool as it stands out that simple white marking on the German gray.
MiG-23MF Flogger-B Czech Air Force Fighter Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT OTHERS

MiG-23MF Flogger-B Czech Air Force Fighter Trumpeter 1/48

It is a Trumpeter MiG-23 Flogger. The contrast between red and black is impressive. I think it is the marking of the 1994 air show. Since it was a flight in an air show, I didn't load any weapon.
MiG-15Bis Fagot-B Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT OTHERS

MiG-15Bis Fagot-B Trumpeter 1/48

It is MiG-15 of the Trumpeter. It is a fighter plane dispatched by the Chinese army to support North Korea in the Korean War as marked in 1953. It was hard to assemble. Tamiya seems to be easier to complete.
Hawker Seahawk FGA Mk.6 Royal Navy Carrier-Based Fighter Trumpeter 1/48 AIRCRAFT UK

Hawker Seahawk FGA Mk.6 Royal Navy Carrier-Based Fighter Trumpeter 1/48

I made a Trumpeter Hawker Sea Hawk. The markings are from a British Navy 810 squadron aircraft operated by the aircraft carrier Albion in 1956. The first-generation fighter jets may not be called the current category anymore.
BMP-1 Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicle Trumpeter 1/35 AFV RUSSIA

BMP-1 Russian Infantry Fighting Vehicle Trumpeter 1/35

The Russian infantry fighting vehicle BMP-1. Trumpeter kit. I wonder if these are rather plain and not very popular. I wrote "Soviet Army" and "Russian Army", but is this nationality mark Czech Army? I'm sorry I'm not too familiar with it. Trumpeter kits always have little to say about marking.